Ursinus College – Performing Arts Center Renovation
Precis is part of the project team working to resolve a water damage issue, as a result of recent storms, at the Ursinus College Performing Arts Center in Collegeville, PA. An initial assessment of the project site indicated that a sanitary piping connection burst under the slab on grade floor, which caused erosion and lead to the slab settling. The project will require demolishing the floor slab and walls in the Costume Shop and Dance Studio to repair the damage and replace sanitary piping.
Princeton University Carl Icahn Laboratory Building Renovations
Starting in 2014, Precis has provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection design services for more than seven individual laboratory and office renovation projects throughout the Carl Icahn Laboratory Building to support new research activities, personnel, and equipment. Renovations generally included zone-level HVAC renovations for proper ventilation and pressurization and temperature control, local exhaust ventilation, reconfiguration of utility gases, power, and data in support of the new architectural layouts and laboratory equipment.
Penn State Bryce Jordan Center Chilled Water Plant Replacement
Precis provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection/life safety engineering services for renovations to the basement of this 1923 building to support a new Integrative Behavior Analysis Suite. Behavioral research activities included the use of large, shallow fish tanks requiring tight temperature and relative humidity control.
University of the Sciences – STC Phase II
Precis Engineering provided MEP detailed design utilizing BIM modeling, energy modeling and construction administration services.
Emory University & Georgia Tech Shared Offsite Annex
Emory University & Georgia Tech Shared Offsite Ann
Precis provided engineering services for the construction of a new Emory University and The Georgia Institute of Technology shared high-density storage facility for circulating and special collections material.
University of Pennsylvania New Bolton Center Iso/Colic Facility
Precis Engineering provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, site utility, and campus utility engineering upgrades as a sub-consultant to Paul Steege & Associates Architects. The Iso/Colic Facility is a state-of-the-art, veterinary care center for large animals with colic or those that require isolation due to illness.